Fear is the belief in the abscence of God in this moment

The opposite of Death is NOT Life, it is Birth. The Life force runs under, and through, it all! It is Eternal

If we can comprehend the Sacred in one moment, know that experience is available in every moment!

My actions are my only true belongings: My actions are the ground on which I stand.

I cannot escape their consequences, the outcome is mine as a result of my choices!

Divine Ideas Never Conflict

The first 40 years of childhood are the worst....it does get better!

Gratitude and Attitude are not challenges, they are choices!

If you choose money over love, you will always be poor

The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding

Every life is a profession of Faith, and excercises inevitable & silent influence.

I've lived through some horrible things in my life, some of which actually happened - Mark Twain

Home is not where you live, it's where they understand you.

Planning is the Egos decision to be anxious now.

You must master a new way to think before you can master a new way to BE

What we don't transform we transmit.

Here's an easy rule to live by. If you wouldn't want it done to you, don't do it!

A person who lacks purpose distracts themselves with pleasures

We come to God much more by doing things wrong than by doing things right.

There is but one ultimate Power. This Power is to each one what he is to it.

Any fool can know, the point is to understand!

Your mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you.

God will never bring you to it without bringing you through it

If you can't let it go, how about just letting it be.

God's no is not a rejection, it's a redirection.

It's not your soul that hurts, it's your Ego.

What's wrong with me that I can't Love You Today?

Planning is only the Ego's decision to be anxious

The Master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.

Prayer is a death to every identity that does not come from God.

Prayer is a death to every identity that does not come from God

How could there be Faith without doubt, or doubt without Faith

No one ever became poor by giving.

Gods will is not an itinerary but an attitude

It's not about being correct: it's about being connected!

God sees hearts like we see faces.

Know God, Know Peace. No God No Peace.

Fear does not stop death, it stops life!

Acceptance can be understood as non resitance to reality

Your Life won't change until you do.

Its not about being correct - its about being connected

God sees Hearts like we see faces.

Know God, Know Peace. No God, No Peace.

You can ignore reality, but you can't escape the consequences

Every thought is a seed and brings forth after its kind. (like begets like)

When irritated or in doubt, pause, say "God you go first"

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

What was causes what is: what is causes what will be.

Hold hands, not gudges

Fear is the belief in the absence of God in this moment

Close both eyes. Now see with the other one.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

What was, Causes what is; What is Causes what will be.

What you Love you empower, What you fear , you empower. What you empower, you attract!

Pray about it as much as you think about it....you will like the results!

Prayer...the concious dwelling upon the Being of God.

You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore its consequences.

Every thought is a seed and brings forth it's kind.

Your life won't change until you do.

Life changing things happen over time, life altering things happen in a split second

6 months from now you will either have 6 months of excuses or 6 months of progress.